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import { findBox } from './mp4-tools';
import { parseTimeStamp } from './vttparser';
import VTTCue from './vttcue';
import { utf8ArrayToStr } from '../demux/id3';
import { toTimescaleFromScale } from './timescale-conversion';

export const IMSC1_CODEC = 'stpp.ttml.im1t';

// Time format: h:m:s:frames(.subframes)
const HMSF_REGEX = /^(\d{2,}):(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})\.?(\d+)?$/;

// Time format: hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds, frames, ticks
const TIME_UNIT_REGEX = /^(\d*(?:\.\d*)?)(h|m|s|ms|f|t)$/;

export function parseIMSC1 (payload: ArrayBuffer, initPTS: number, timescale: number, callBack: (cues: Array<VTTCue>) => any, errorCallBack: (error: Error) => any) {
  const results = findBox(new Uint8Array(payload), ['mdat']);
  if (results.length === 0) {
    errorCallBack(new Error('Could not parse IMSC1 mdat'));
  const mdat = results[0];
  const ttml = utf8ArrayToStr(new Uint8Array(payload, mdat.start, mdat.end - mdat.start));
  const syncTime = toTimescaleFromScale(initPTS, 1, timescale);

  try {
    callBack(parseTTML(ttml, syncTime));
  } catch (error) {

function parseTTML (ttml: string, syncTime: number): Array<VTTCue> {
  const parser = new DOMParser();
  const xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(ttml, 'text/xml');
  const tt = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName('tt')[0];
  if (!tt) {
    throw new Error('Invalid ttml');
  const defaultRateInfo = {
    frameRate: 30,
    subFrameRate: 1,
    frameRateMultiplier: 0,
    tickRate: 0
  const rateInfo: Object = Object.keys(defaultRateInfo).reduce((result, key) => {
    result[key] = tt.getAttribute(`ttp:${key}`) || defaultRateInfo[key];
    return result;
  }, {});

  const trim = tt.getAttribute('xml:space') !== 'preserve';

  const styleElements = collectionToDictionary(getElementCollection(tt, 'styling', 'style'));
  const regionElements = collectionToDictionary(getElementCollection(tt, 'layout', 'region'));
  const cueElements = getElementCollection(tt, 'body', '[begin]');

  return [].map.call(cueElements, (cueElement) => {
    const cueText = getTextContent(cueElement, trim);

    if (!cueText || !cueElement.hasAttribute('begin')) {
      return null;
    const startTime = parseTtmlTime(cueElement.getAttribute('begin'), rateInfo);
    const duration = parseTtmlTime(cueElement.getAttribute('dur'), rateInfo);
    let endTime = parseTtmlTime(cueElement.getAttribute('end'), rateInfo);
    if (startTime === null) {
      throw timestampParsingError(cueElement);
    if (endTime === null) {
      if (duration === null) {
        throw timestampParsingError(cueElement);
      endTime = startTime + duration;
    const cue = new VTTCue(startTime - syncTime, endTime - syncTime, cueText);

    const region = regionElements[cueElement.getAttribute('region')];
    const style = styleElements[cueElement.getAttribute('style')];

    // TODO: Add regions to track and cue (origin and extend)
    // These values are hard-coded (for now) to simulate region settings in the demo
    cue.position = 10;
    cue.size = 80;

    // Apply styles to cue
    const styles = getTtmlStyles(region, style);
    const { textAlign } = styles;
    if (textAlign) {
      // cue.positionAlign not settable in FF~2016
      cue.lineAlign = ({
        left: 'start',
        center: 'center',
        right: 'end',
        start: 'start',
        end: 'end'
      cue.align = textAlign as AlignSetting;
    Object.assign(cue, styles);

    return cue;
  }).filter((cue) => cue !== null);

function getElementCollection (fromElement, parentName, childName): Array<HTMLElement> {
  const parent = fromElement.getElementsByTagName(parentName)[0];
  if (parent) {
    return [].slice.call(parent.querySelectorAll(childName));
  return [];

function collectionToDictionary (elementsWithId: Array<HTMLElement>): { [id: string]: HTMLElement } {
  return elementsWithId.reduce((dict, element: HTMLElement) => {
    const id = element.getAttribute('xml:id');
    if (id) {
      dict[id] = element;
    return dict;
  }, {});

function getTextContent (element, trim): string {
  return [].slice.call(element.childNodes).reduce((str, node, i) => {
    if (node.nodeName === 'br' && i) {
      return str + '\n';
    } if (node.childNodes?.length) {
      return getTextContent(node, trim);
    } else if (trim) {
      return str + node.textContent.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
    return str + node.textContent;
  }, '');

function getTtmlStyles (region, style): { [style: string]: string } {
  const ttsNs = 'http://www.w3.org/ns/ttml#styling';
  const styleAttributes = [
    // 'fontWeight',
    // 'lineHeight',
    // 'wrapOption',
    // 'fontStyle',
    // 'direction',
    // 'writingMode'
  return styleAttributes.reduce((styles, name) => {
    const value = getAttributeNS(style, ttsNs, name) || getAttributeNS(region, ttsNs, name);
    if (value) {
      styles[name] = value;
    return styles;
  }, {});

function getAttributeNS (element, ns, name): string | null {
  return element.hasAttributeNS(ns, name) ? element.getAttributeNS(ns, name) : null;

function timestampParsingError (node) {
  return new Error(`Could not parse ttml timestamp ${node}`);

function parseTtmlTime (timeAttributeValue, rateInfo): number | null {
  if (!timeAttributeValue) {
    return null;
  let seconds: number | null = parseTimeStamp(timeAttributeValue);
  if (seconds === null) {
    if (HMSF_REGEX.test(timeAttributeValue)) {
      seconds = parseHoursMinutesSecondsFrames(timeAttributeValue, rateInfo);
    } else if (TIME_UNIT_REGEX.test(timeAttributeValue)) {
      seconds = parseTimeUnits(timeAttributeValue, rateInfo);
  return seconds;

function parseHoursMinutesSecondsFrames (timeAttributeValue, rateInfo): number {
  const m = HMSF_REGEX.exec(timeAttributeValue) as Array<any>;
  const frames = (m[4] | 0) + (m[5] | 0) / rateInfo.subFrameRate;
  return (m[1] | 0) * 3600 + (m[2] | 0) * 60 + (m[3] | 0) + frames / rateInfo.frameRate;

function parseTimeUnits (timeAttributeValue, rateInfo): number {
  const m = TIME_UNIT_REGEX.exec(timeAttributeValue) as Array<any>;
  const value = Number(m[1]);
  const unit = m[2];
  switch (unit) {
  case 'h':
    return value * 3600;
  case 'm':
    return value * 60;
  case 'ms':
    return value * 1000;
  case 'f':
    return value / rateInfo.frameRate;
  case 't':
    return value / rateInfo.tickRate;
  return value;