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import LevelDetails from '../loader/level-details';
import { ErrorDetails } from '../errors';
import { Events } from '../events';
import { ErrorData, LevelUpdatedData, MediaAttachingData } from '../types/events';
import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
import type { ComponentAPI } from '../types/component-api';
import type Hls from '../hls';
import type { HlsConfig } from '../config';

export default class LatencyController implements ComponentAPI {
  private readonly hls: Hls;
  private readonly config: HlsConfig;
  private media: HTMLMediaElement | null = null;
  private levelDetails: LevelDetails | null = null;
  private currentTime: number = 0;
  private stallCount: number = 0;
  private _latency: number | null = null;
  private timeupdateHandler = () => this.timeupdate();

  constructor (hls: Hls) {
    this.hls = hls;
    this.config = hls.config;

  get latency (): number {
    return this._latency || 0;

  get maxLatency (): number {
    const { config, levelDetails } = this;
    if (config.liveMaxLatencyDuration !== undefined) {
      return config.liveMaxLatencyDuration;
    return levelDetails ? config.liveMaxLatencyDurationCount * levelDetails.targetduration : 0;

  get targetLatency (): number | null {
    const { levelDetails } = this;
    if (levelDetails === null) {
      return null;
    const { holdBack, partHoldBack, targetduration } = levelDetails;
    const { liveSyncDuration, liveSyncDurationCount, lowLatencyMode } = this.config;
    const userConfig = this.hls.userConfig;
    let targetLatency = lowLatencyMode ? partHoldBack || holdBack : holdBack;
    if (userConfig.liveSyncDuration || userConfig.liveSyncDurationCount || targetLatency === 0) {
      targetLatency = liveSyncDuration !== undefined ? liveSyncDuration : liveSyncDurationCount * targetduration;
    const maxLiveSyncOnStallIncrease = levelDetails.targetduration;
    const liveSyncOnStallIncrease = 1.0;
    return targetLatency + Math.min(this.stallCount * liveSyncOnStallIncrease, maxLiveSyncOnStallIncrease);

  get liveSyncPosition (): number | null {
    const liveEdge = this.estimateLiveEdge();
    const targetLatency = this.targetLatency;
    if (liveEdge === null || targetLatency === null || this.levelDetails === null) {
      return null;
    return Math.min(this.levelDetails.edge, liveEdge - targetLatency - this.edgeStalled);

  get edgeStalled (): number {
    const { levelDetails } = this;
    if (levelDetails === null) {
      return 0;
    const maxLevelUpdateAge = ((this.config.lowLatencyMode && levelDetails.partTarget) || levelDetails.targetduration) * 3;
    return Math.max(levelDetails.age - maxLevelUpdateAge, 0);

  private get forwardBufferLength (): number {
    const { media, levelDetails } = this;
    if (!media || !levelDetails) {
      return 0;
    const bufferedRanges = media.buffered.length;
    return bufferedRanges ? media.buffered.end(bufferedRanges - 1) : levelDetails.edge - this.currentTime;

  public destroy (): void {

  private registerListeners () {
    this.hls.on(Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, this.onMediaAttached, this);
    this.hls.on(Events.MEDIA_DETACHING, this.onMediaDetaching, this);
    this.hls.on(Events.MANIFEST_LOADING, this.onManifestLoading, this);
    this.hls.on(Events.LEVEL_UPDATED, this.onLevelUpdated, this);
    this.hls.on(Events.ERROR, this.onError, this);

  private unregisterListeners () {
    this.hls.off(Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, this.onMediaAttached);
    this.hls.off(Events.MEDIA_DETACHING, this.onMediaDetaching);
    this.hls.off(Events.MANIFEST_LOADING, this.onManifestLoading);
    this.hls.off(Events.LEVEL_UPDATED, this.onLevelUpdated);
    this.hls.off(Events.ERROR, this.onError);

  private onMediaAttached (event: Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, data: MediaAttachingData) {
    this.media = data.media;
    this.media.addEventListener('timeupdate', this.timeupdateHandler);

  private onMediaDetaching () {
    if (this.media) {
      this.media.removeEventListener('timeupdate', this.timeupdateHandler);
      this.media = null;

  private onManifestLoading () {
    this.levelDetails = null;
    this._latency = null;
    this.stallCount = 0;

  private onLevelUpdated (event: Events.LEVEL_UPDATED, { details }: LevelUpdatedData) {
    this.levelDetails = details;
    if (details.advanced) {
    if (!details.live && this.media) {
      this.media.removeEventListener('timeupdate', this.timeupdateHandler);

  private onError (event: Events.ERROR, data: ErrorData) {
    if (data.details !== ErrorDetails.BUFFER_STALLED_ERROR) {
    logger.warn('[playback-rate-controller]: Stall detected, adjusting target latency');

  private timeupdate () {
    const { media, levelDetails } = this;
    if (!media || !levelDetails) {
    this.currentTime = media.currentTime;

    const latency = this.computeLatency();
    if (latency === null) {
    this._latency = latency;

    // Adapt playbackRate to meet target latency in low-latency mode
    const { lowLatencyMode, maxLiveSyncPlaybackRate } = this.config;
    if (!lowLatencyMode || maxLiveSyncPlaybackRate === 1) {
    const targetLatency = this.targetLatency;
    if (targetLatency === null) {
    const distanceFromTarget = latency - targetLatency;
    // Only adjust playbackRate when within one target duration of targetLatency
    // and more than one second from under-buffering.
    // Playback further than one target duration from target can be considered DVR playback.
    const liveMinLatencyDuration = Math.min(this.maxLatency, targetLatency + levelDetails.targetduration);
    const inLiveRange = distanceFromTarget < liveMinLatencyDuration;
    if (levelDetails.live && inLiveRange && distanceFromTarget > 0.05 && this.forwardBufferLength > 1) {
      const max = Math.min(2, Math.max(1.0, maxLiveSyncPlaybackRate));
      const rate = Math.round((2 / (1 + Math.exp(-0.75 * distanceFromTarget - this.edgeStalled))) * 20) / 20;
      media.playbackRate = Math.min(max, Math.max(1, rate));
    } else if (media.playbackRate !== 1 && media.playbackRate !== 0) {
      media.playbackRate = 1;

  private estimateLiveEdge (): number | null {
    const { levelDetails } = this;
    if (levelDetails === null) {
      return null;
    return levelDetails.edge + levelDetails.age;

  private computeLatency (): number | null {
    const liveEdge = this.estimateLiveEdge();
    if (liveEdge === null) {
      return null;
    return liveEdge - this.currentTime;