import { Events } from '../events';
import { logger } from '../utils/logger';
import { ErrorDetails, ErrorTypes } from '../errors';
import { BufferHelper } from '../utils/buffer-helper';
import { getMediaSource } from '../utils/mediasource-helper';
import { ElementaryStreamTypes } from '../loader/fragment';
import { TrackSet } from '../types/track';
import BufferOperationQueue from './buffer-operation-queue';
import {
} from '../types/buffer';
import { LevelUpdatedData, BufferAppendingData, MediaAttachingData, ManifestParsedData, BufferCodecsData, LevelPTSUpdatedData, BufferEOSData, BufferFlushingData, FragParsedData } from '../types/events';
import { ComponentAPI } from '../types/component-api';
import Hls from '../hls';
const MediaSource = getMediaSource();
export default class BufferController implements ComponentAPI {
// the value that we have set mediasource.duration to
// (the actual duration may be tweaked slighly by the browser)
private _msDuration: number | null = null;
// the target duration of the current media playlist
private _levelTargetDuration: number | null = null;
// current stream state: true - for live broadcast, false - for VoD content
private _live: boolean = false;
// cache the self generated object url to detect hijack of video tag
private _objectUrl: string | null = null;
// A queue of buffer operations which require the SourceBuffer to not be updating upon execution
private operationQueue!: BufferOperationQueue;
// References to event listeners for each SourceBuffer, so that they can be referenced for event removal
private listeners!: SourceBufferListeners;
private hls: Hls;
// The number of BUFFER_CODEC events received before any sourceBuffers are created
public bufferCodecEventsExpected: number = 0;
// The total number of BUFFER_CODEC events received
private _bufferCodecEventsTotal: number = 0;
// A reference to the attached media element
public media: HTMLMediaElement | null = null;
// A reference to the active media source
public mediaSource: MediaSource | null = null;
// counters
public appendError: number = 0;
public tracks: TrackSet = {};
public pendingTracks: TrackSet = {};
public sourceBuffer!: SourceBuffers;
constructor (hls: Hls) {
this.hls = hls;
public destroy () {
protected registerListeners () {
const { hls } = this;
hls.on(Events.MEDIA_ATTACHING, this.onMediaAttaching, this);
hls.on(Events.MEDIA_DETACHING, this.onMediaDetaching, this);
hls.on(Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, this.onManifestParsed, this);
hls.on(Events.BUFFER_RESET, this.onBufferReset, this);
hls.on(Events.BUFFER_APPENDING, this.onBufferAppending, this);
hls.on(Events.BUFFER_CODECS, this.onBufferCodecs, this);
hls.on(Events.BUFFER_EOS, this.onBufferEos, this);
hls.on(Events.BUFFER_FLUSHING, this.onBufferFlushing, this);
hls.on(Events.LEVEL_PTS_UPDATED, this.onLevelPtsUpdated, this);
hls.on(Events.LEVEL_UPDATED, this.onLevelUpdated, this);
hls.on(Events.FRAG_PARSED, this.onFragParsed, this);
protected unregisterListeners () {
const { hls } = this;, this.onMediaAttaching, this);, this.onMediaDetaching, this);, this.onManifestParsed, this);, this.onBufferReset, this);, this.onBufferAppending, this);, this.onBufferCodecs, this);, this.onBufferEos, this);, this.onBufferFlushing, this);, this.onLevelPtsUpdated, this);, this.onLevelUpdated, this);, this.onFragParsed, this);
private _initSourceBuffer () {
this.sourceBuffer = {};
this.operationQueue = new BufferOperationQueue(this.sourceBuffer);
this.listeners = {
audio: [],
video: [],
audiovideo: []
protected onManifestParsed (event: Events.MANIFEST_PARSED, data: ManifestParsedData) {
// in case of alt audio 2 BUFFER_CODECS events will be triggered, one per stream controller
// sourcebuffers will be created all at once when the expected nb of tracks will be reached
// in case alt audio is not used, only one BUFFER_CODEC event will be fired from main stream controller
// it will contain the expected nb of source buffers, no need to compute it
let codecEvents: number = 2;
if (( && ! || !data.altAudio) {
codecEvents = 1;
this.bufferCodecEventsExpected = this._bufferCodecEventsTotal = codecEvents;
logger.log(`${this.bufferCodecEventsExpected} bufferCodec event(s) expected`);
protected onMediaAttaching (event: Events.MEDIA_ATTACHING, data: MediaAttachingData) {
const media = =;
if (media && MediaSource) {
const ms = this.mediaSource = new MediaSource();
// MediaSource listeners are arrow functions with a lexical scope, and do not need to be bound
ms.addEventListener('sourceopen', this._onMediaSourceOpen);
ms.addEventListener('sourceended', this._onMediaSourceEnded);
ms.addEventListener('sourceclose', this._onMediaSourceClose);
// link video and media Source
media.src = self.URL.createObjectURL(ms);
// cache the locally generated object url
this._objectUrl = media.src;
protected onMediaDetaching () {
logger.log('[buffer-controller]: media source detaching');
const { media, mediaSource, _objectUrl } = this;
if (mediaSource) {
if (mediaSource.readyState === 'open') {
try {
// endOfStream could trigger exception if any sourcebuffer is in updating state
// we don't really care about checking sourcebuffer state here,
// as we are anyway detaching the MediaSource
// let's just avoid this exception to propagate
} catch (err) {
logger.warn(`[buffer-controller]: onMediaDetaching: ${err.message} while calling endOfStream`);
// Clean up the SourceBuffers by invoking onBufferReset
mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceopen', this._onMediaSourceOpen);
mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceended', this._onMediaSourceEnded);
mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceclose', this._onMediaSourceClose);
// Detach properly the MediaSource from the HTMLMediaElement as
// suggested in
if (media) {
if (_objectUrl) {
// clean up video tag src only if it's our own url. some external libraries might
// hijack the video tag and change its 'src' without destroying the Hls instance first
if (media.src === _objectUrl) {
} else {
logger.warn('[buffer-controller]: media.src was changed by a third party - skip cleanup');
this.mediaSource = null; = null;
this._objectUrl = null;
this.bufferCodecEventsExpected = this._bufferCodecEventsTotal;
this.pendingTracks = {};
this.tracks = {};
this.hls.trigger(Events.MEDIA_DETACHED, undefined);
protected onBufferReset () {
const sourceBuffer = this.sourceBuffer;
this.getSourceBufferTypes().forEach(type => {
const sb = sourceBuffer[type];
try {
if (sb) {
if (this.mediaSource) {
// Synchronously remove the SB from the map before the next call in order to prevent an async function from
// accessing it
sourceBuffer[type] = undefined;
} catch (err) {
logger.warn(`[buffer-controller]: Failed to reset the ${type} buffer`, err);
protected onBufferCodecs (event: Events.BUFFER_CODECS, data: BufferCodecsData) {
// if source buffer(s) not created yet, appended buffer tracks in this.pendingTracks
// if sourcebuffers already created, do nothing ...
if (Object.keys(this.sourceBuffer).length) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(trackName => {
this.pendingTracks[trackName] = data[trackName];
this.bufferCodecEventsExpected = Math.max(this.bufferCodecEventsExpected - 1, 0);
if (this.mediaSource && this.mediaSource.readyState === 'open') {
protected onBufferAppending (event: Events.BUFFER_APPENDING, eventData: BufferAppendingData) {
const { hls, operationQueue } = this;
const { data, type, frag, part, chunkMeta } = eventData;
const chunkStats = chunkMeta.buffering[type];
const start =;
chunkStats.start = start;
const fragBuffering = frag.stats.buffering;
const partBuffering = part ? part.stats.buffering : null;
if (fragBuffering.start === 0) {
fragBuffering.start = start;
if (partBuffering && partBuffering.start === 0) {
partBuffering.start = start;
const operation: BufferOperation = {
execute: () => {
chunkStats.executeStart =;
this.appendExecutor(data, type);
onStart: () => {
// logger.debug(`[buffer-controller]: ${type} SourceBuffer updatestart`);
onComplete: () => {
// logger.debug(`[buffer-controller]: ${type} SourceBuffer updateend`);
const end =;
chunkStats.executeEnd = chunkStats.end = end;
if (fragBuffering.first === 0) {
fragBuffering.first = end;
if (partBuffering && partBuffering.first === 0) {
partBuffering.first = end;
const { sourceBuffer } = this;
const timeRanges = {};
for (const type in sourceBuffer) {
timeRanges[type] = BufferHelper.getBuffered(sourceBuffer[type]);
this.appendError = 0;
this.hls.trigger(Events.BUFFER_APPENDED, { parent: frag.type, timeRanges, frag, part, chunkMeta });
onError: (err) => {
// in case any error occured while appending, put back segment in segments table
logger.error(`[buffer-controller]: Error encountered while trying to append to the ${type} SourceBuffer`, err);
const event = {
type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
parent: frag.type,
details: ErrorDetails.BUFFER_APPEND_ERROR,
fatal: false
if (err.code === DOMException.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR) {
// QuotaExceededError:
// let's stop appending any segments, and report BUFFER_FULL_ERROR error
event.details = ErrorDetails.BUFFER_FULL_ERROR;
} else {
event.details = ErrorDetails.BUFFER_APPEND_ERROR;
/* with UHD content, we could get loop of quota exceeded error until
browser is able to evict some data from sourcebuffer. Retrying can help recover.
if (this.appendError > hls.config.appendErrorMaxRetry) {
logger.log(`[buffer-controller]: Failed ${hls.config.appendErrorMaxRetry} times to append segment in sourceBuffer`);
event.fatal = true;
hls.trigger(Events.ERROR, event);
operationQueue.append(operation, type);
protected onBufferFlushing (event: Events.BUFFER_FLUSHING, data: BufferFlushingData) {
const { operationQueue } = this;
const flushOperation = (type): BufferOperation => ({
execute: this.removeExecutor.bind(this, type, data.startOffset, data.endOffset),
onStart: () => {
// logger.debug(`[buffer-controller]: Started flushing ${data.startOffset} -> ${data.endOffset} for ${type} Source Buffer`);
onComplete: () => {
// logger.debug(`[buffer-controller]: Finished flushing ${data.startOffset} -> ${data.endOffset} for ${type} Source Buffer`);
this.hls.trigger(Events.BUFFER_FLUSHED, { type });
onError: (e) => {
logger.warn(`[buffer-controller]: Failed to remove from ${type} SourceBuffer`, e);
if (data.type) {
operationQueue.append(flushOperation(data.type), data.type);
} else {
operationQueue.append(flushOperation('audio'), 'audio');
operationQueue.append(flushOperation('video'), 'video');
protected onFragParsed (event: Events.FRAG_PARSED, data: FragParsedData) {
const { frag, part } = data;
const buffersAppendedTo: Array<SourceBufferName> = [];
const elementaryStreams = part ? part.elementaryStreams : frag.elementaryStreams;
if (elementaryStreams[ElementaryStreamTypes.AUDIOVIDEO]) {
} else {
if (elementaryStreams[ElementaryStreamTypes.AUDIO]) {
if (elementaryStreams[ElementaryStreamTypes.VIDEO]) {
const onUnblocked = () => {
const now =;
frag.stats.buffering.end = now;
if (part) {
part.stats.buffering.end = now;
const stats = part ? part.stats : frag.stats;
this.hls.trigger(Events.FRAG_BUFFERED, {
id: frag.type
if (buffersAppendedTo.length === 0) {
logger.warn(`Fragments must have at least one ElementaryStreamType set. type: ${frag.type} level: ${frag.level} sn: ${}`);
this.blockBuffers(onUnblocked, buffersAppendedTo);
// on BUFFER_EOS mark matching sourcebuffer(s) as ended and trigger checkEos()
// an undefined data.type will mark all buffers as EOS.
protected onBufferEos (event: Events.BUFFER_EOS, data: BufferEOSData) {
for (const type in this.sourceBuffer) {
if (!data.type || data.type === type) {
const sb = this.sourceBuffer[type as SourceBufferName];
if (sb && !sb.ended) {
sb.ended = true;
logger.log(`[buffer-controller]: ${type} sourceBuffer now EOS`);
const endStream = () => {
const { mediaSource } = this;
if (!mediaSource || mediaSource.readyState !== 'open') {
// Allow this to throw and be caught by the enqueueing function
protected onLevelUpdated (event: Events.LEVEL_UPDATED, { details }: LevelUpdatedData) {
if (!details.fragments.length) {
this._levelTargetDuration = details.levelTargetDuration;
this._live =;
const levelEnd = details.fragments[0].start + details.totalduration;
if (this.getSourceBufferTypes().length) {
this.blockBuffers(this.updateMediaElementDuration.bind(this, levelEnd));
} else {
if (this.hls.config.liveDurationInfinity) {
// Adjusting `SourceBuffer.timestampOffset` (desired point in the timeline where the next frames should be appended)
// in Chrome browser when we detect MPEG audio container and time delta between level PTS and `SourceBuffer.timestampOffset`
// is greater than 100ms (this is enough to handle seek for VOD or level change for LIVE videos). At the time of change we issue
// `SourceBuffer.abort()` and adjusting `SourceBuffer.timestampOffset` if `SourceBuffer.updating` is false or awaiting `updateend`
// event if SB is in updating state.
// More info here:
protected onLevelPtsUpdated (event: Events.LEVEL_PTS_UPDATED, data: LevelPTSUpdatedData) {
const { operationQueue, sourceBuffer, tracks } = this;
const type = data.type;
const audioTrack =;
if (type !== 'audio' || (audioTrack && audioTrack.container !== 'audio/mpeg')) {
const audioBuffer = sourceBuffer[type];
if (!audioBuffer) {
const delta = Math.abs(audioBuffer.timestampOffset - data.start);
if (delta < 0.1) {
const operation = {
execute: this.abortExecutor.bind(this, type),
onStart () {
logger.debug(`[buffer-controller]: Starting abort on source buffer ${type}`);
onComplete () {
if (audioBuffer) {
logger.log(`[buffer-controller]: Updating audio SourceBuffer timestampOffset to ${data.start}`);
audioBuffer.timestampOffset = data.start;
onError (error) {
logger.warn('[buffer-controller]: Failed to abort the audio SourceBuffer', error);
operationQueue.insertAbort(operation, type);
if (this.hls.config.liveDurationInfinity) {
flushLiveBackBuffer () {
// clear back buffer for live only
const { hls, _levelTargetDuration, _live, media, sourceBuffer } = this;
if (!media || !_live || _levelTargetDuration === null) {
const liveBackBufferLength = hls.config.liveBackBufferLength;
if (!Number.isFinite(liveBackBufferLength) || liveBackBufferLength < 0) {
const currentTime = media.currentTime;
const targetBackBufferPosition = currentTime - Math.max(liveBackBufferLength, _levelTargetDuration);
this.getSourceBufferTypes().forEach((type: SourceBufferName) => {
const sb = sourceBuffer[type];
if (sb) {
const buffered = BufferHelper.getBuffered(sb);
// when target buffer start exceeds actual buffer start
if (buffered.length > 0 && targetBackBufferPosition > buffered.start(0)) {
hls.trigger(Events.LIVE_BACK_BUFFER_REACHED, { bufferEnd: targetBackBufferPosition });
hls.trigger(Events.BUFFER_FLUSHING, { startOffset: 0, endOffset: targetBackBufferPosition, type });
* Update Media Source duration to current level duration or override to Infinity if configuration parameter
* 'liveDurationInfinity` is set to `true`
* More details:
private updateMediaElementDuration (levelDuration: number) {
if (! || !this.mediaSource || this.mediaSource.readyState !== 'open') {
const { hls, _live, media, mediaSource, _msDuration } = this;
const mediaDuration = media.duration;
// initialise to the value that the media source is reporting
let msDuration = _msDuration;
if (msDuration === null) {
this._msDuration = msDuration = mediaSource.duration;
if (_live && hls.config.liveDurationInfinity) {
// Override duration to Infinity
logger.log('[buffer-controller]: Media Source duration is set to Infinity');
this._msDuration = mediaSource.duration = Infinity;
} else if ((levelDuration > msDuration && levelDuration > mediaDuration) || !Number.isFinite(mediaDuration)) {
// levelDuration was the last value we set.
// not using mediaSource.duration as the browser may tweak this value
// only update Media Source duration if its value increase, this is to avoid
// flushing already buffered portion when switching between quality level
logger.log(`[buffer-controller]: Updating Media Source duration to ${levelDuration.toFixed(3)}`);
this._msDuration = mediaSource.duration = levelDuration;
updateSeekableRange (levelDetails) {
const mediaSource = this.mediaSource;
const fragments = levelDetails.fragments;
const len = fragments.length;
if (len && mediaSource?.setLiveSeekableRange) {
const start = fragments[0].start;
const end = start + levelDetails.totalduration;
mediaSource.setLiveSeekableRange(start, end);
protected checkPendingTracks () {
const { bufferCodecEventsExpected, operationQueue, pendingTracks } = this;
// Check if we've received all of the expected bufferCodec events. When none remain, create all the sourceBuffers at once.
// This is important because the MSE spec allows implementations to throw QuotaExceededErrors if creating new sourceBuffers after
// data has been appended to existing ones.
// 2 tracks is the max (one for audio, one for video). If we've reach this max go ahead and create the buffers.
const pendingTracksCount = Object.keys(pendingTracks).length;
if ((pendingTracksCount && !bufferCodecEventsExpected) || pendingTracksCount === 2) {
// ok, let's create them now !
this.pendingTracks = {};
// append any pending segments now !
Object.keys(this.sourceBuffer).forEach((type: SourceBufferName) => {
protected createSourceBuffers (tracks: TrackSet) {
const { sourceBuffer, mediaSource } = this;
if (!mediaSource) {
throw Error('createSourceBuffers called when mediaSource was null');
for (const trackName in tracks) {
if (!sourceBuffer[trackName]) {
const track = tracks[trackName as keyof TrackSet];
if (!track) {
throw Error(`source buffer exists for track ${trackName}, however track does not`);
// use levelCodec as first priority
const codec = track.levelCodec || track.codec;
const mimeType = `${track.container};codecs=${codec}`;
logger.log(`[buffer-controller]: creating sourceBuffer(${mimeType})`);
try {
const sb = sourceBuffer[trackName] = mediaSource.addSourceBuffer(mimeType);
const sbName = trackName as SourceBufferName;
this.addBufferListener(sbName, 'updatestart', this._onSBUpdateStart);
this.addBufferListener(sbName, 'updateend', this._onSBUpdateEnd);
this.addBufferListener(sbName, 'error', this._onSBUpdateError);
this.tracks[trackName] = {
buffer: sb,
codec: codec,
container: track.container,
levelCodec: track.levelCodec,
} catch (err) {
logger.error(`[buffer-controller]: error while trying to add sourceBuffer: ${err.message}`);
this.hls.trigger(Events.ERROR, {
type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR,
details: ErrorDetails.BUFFER_ADD_CODEC_ERROR,
fatal: false,
error: err,
mimeType: mimeType
this.hls.trigger(Events.BUFFER_CREATED, { tracks: this.tracks });
// Keep as arrow functions so that we can directly reference these functions directly as event listeners
private _onMediaSourceOpen = () => {
const { hls, media, mediaSource } = this;
logger.log('[buffer-controller]: Media source opened');
if (media) {
hls.trigger(Events.MEDIA_ATTACHED, { media });
if (mediaSource) {
// once received, don't listen anymore to sourceopen event
mediaSource.removeEventListener('sourceopen', this._onMediaSourceOpen);
private _onMediaSourceClose = () => {
logger.log('[buffer-controller]: Media source closed');
private _onMediaSourceEnded = () => {
logger.log('[buffer-controller]: Media source ended');
private _onSBUpdateStart (type: SourceBufferName) {
const { operationQueue } = this;
const operation = operationQueue.current(type);
private _onSBUpdateEnd (type: SourceBufferName) {
const { operationQueue } = this;
const operation = operationQueue.current(type);
private _onSBUpdateError (type: SourceBufferName, event: Event) {
logger.error(`[buffer-controller]: ${type} SourceBuffer error`, event);
// according to
// SourceBuffer errors are not necessarily fatal; if so, the HTMLMediaElement will fire an error event
this.hls.trigger(Events.ERROR, { type: ErrorTypes.MEDIA_ERROR, details: ErrorDetails.BUFFER_APPENDING_ERROR, fatal: false });
// updateend is always fired after error, so we'll allow that to shift the current operation off of the queue
const operation = this.operationQueue.current(type);
if (operation) {
// This method must result in an updateend event; if remove is not called, _onSBUpdateEnd must be called manually
private removeExecutor (type: SourceBufferName, startOffset: number, endOffset: number) {
const { media, operationQueue, sourceBuffer } = this;
const sb = sourceBuffer[type];
if (!media || !sb) {
logger.warn(`[buffer-controller]: Attempting to remove from the ${type} SourceBuffer, but it does not exist`);
const removeStart = Math.max(0, startOffset);
const removeEnd = Math.min(media.duration, endOffset);
if (removeEnd > removeStart) {
logger.log(`[buffer-controller]: Removing [${removeStart},${removeEnd}] from the ${type} SourceBuffer`);
console.assert(!sb.updating, `${type} sourceBuffer must not be updating`);
sb.remove(removeStart, removeEnd);
} else {
// Cycle the queue
// This method must result in an updateend event; if append is not called, _onSBUpdateEnd must be called manually
private appendExecutor (data: Uint8Array, type: SourceBufferName) {
const { operationQueue, sourceBuffer } = this;
const sb = sourceBuffer[type];
if (!sb) {
logger.warn(`[buffer-controller]: Attempting to append to the ${type} SourceBuffer, but it does not exist`);
sb.ended = false;
console.assert(!sb.updating, `${type} sourceBuffer must not be updating`);
// SourceBuffers can be aborted while the updating flag is true, but only if it is because of an append operation -
// aborting during a remove will throw an InvalidStateError. It's safer to enqueue aborts and execute them only if
// updating is false
private abortExecutor (type: SourceBufferName) {
const { operationQueue, sourceBuffer } = this;
const sb = sourceBuffer[type];
if (!sb) {
logger.warn(`[buffer-controller]: Attempting to abort to the ${type} SourceBuffer, but it does not exist`);
logger.log(`[buffer-controller]: Aborting the ${type} SourceBuffer`);
// console.assert(!sb.updating, `${type} sourceBuffer must not be updating`);
const updating = sb.updating;
// updateend is only triggered if aborting while updating is true
if (!updating) {
// Enqueues an operation to each SourceBuffer queue which, upon execution, resolves a promise. When all promises
// resolve, the onUnblocked function is executed. Functions calling this method do not need to unblock the queue
// upon completion, since we already do it here
private blockBuffers (onUnblocked: Function, buffers: Array<SourceBufferName> = this.getSourceBufferTypes()) {
if (!buffers.length) {
logger.log('[buffer-controller]: Blocking operation requested, but no SourceBuffers exist');
const { operationQueue } = this;
// logger.debug(`[buffer-controller]: Blocking ${buffers} SourceBuffer`);
const blockingOperations = => operationQueue.appendBlocker(type as SourceBufferName));
Promise.all(blockingOperations).then(() => {
// logger.debug(`[buffer-controller]: Blocking operation resolved; unblocking ${buffers} SourceBuffer`);
buffers.forEach(type => {
const sb = this.sourceBuffer[type];
// Only cycle the queue if the SB is not updating. There's a bug in Chrome which sets the SB updating flag to
// true when changing the MediaSource duration (
// While this is a workaround, it's probably useful to have around
if (!sb || !sb.updating) {
private getSourceBufferTypes () : Array<SourceBufferName> {
return Object.keys(this.sourceBuffer) as Array<SourceBufferName>;
private addBufferListener (type: SourceBufferName, event: string, fn: Function) {
const buffer = this.sourceBuffer[type];
if (!buffer) {
const listener = fn.bind(this, type);
this.listeners[type].push({ event, listener });
buffer.addEventListener(event, listener);
private removeBufferListeners (type: SourceBufferName) {
const buffer = this.sourceBuffer[type];
if (!buffer) {
this.listeners[type].forEach(l => {
buffer.removeEventListener(l.event, l.listener);